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Wizyta prof. Michele Giannottiego 21 i 23 maja

Kategoria: Aktualności Wydziału, Konferencje i spotkania naukowe

W ramach projektu finansowanego z programu IDUB 21 i 23 maja będziemy gościć prof. Michele Giannottiego, eksperta od zaburzeń afektywnych u ojców w okresie perinatalnym z eCampus University (Università degli Studi eCampus – fizycznie zlokalizowany w Como we Włoszech).

Nasz gość wygłosi dwa wykłady. Pierwszy wykład dotyczy bardzo ważnej i wciąż zbyt mało poznanej problematyki zdrowia psychicznego ojców w czasie oczekiwania na narodziny dziecka i w pierwszym roku życia potomka. W drugim wykładzie nasz gość przedstawi nieco mniej znane w Polsce i budzące wiele dyskusji podejście do rozumienia przywiązania – Dynamiczny Model Rozwoju Przywiązania i Adaptacji, opracowany przez Patricię Crittenden.


Michele Giannotti serves as an Associate Professor of Psychodynamic Psychology at eCampus University in Como, Italy, and is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in child protection, assessment of attachment and cognitive constructivist psychotherapy. With a Ph.D. in Psychology and Education, Prof. Giannotti collaborates with the University of Trento, specifically the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science – Observation, Diagnosis Education Lab (ODFLab). His clinical and research work focuses on parenting and child development, examining the determinants of parenting across different family structures, fatherhood, coparenting, child maltreatment outcomes, and assessment of attachment throughout the lifespan. He was recognized as the best early career scholar by the International Association for the Study of Attachment (IASA) and the Italian Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (SITCC). Prof. Giannotti presents on various topics including the impact of transition to parenthood on paternal mental health, at-risk parenting, and quality of attachment in children with typical and atypical development at several national and international conferences. He has authored numerous papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and actively engages with research groups  focusing on parenting and child development at national and international levels.

Gdzie znaleźć prof. Gianottiego:

Fathers matter: addressing paternal mental health during the transition to parenthood

Wykład odbędzie się we wtorek 21 maja, w godzinach 13:30-15:00 w sali 74. Przeprowadzimy również transmisję online na żywo na Zoomie (link do transmisji), a później udostępnimy nagranie na kanale YouTube Wydziału.


Recent research emphasizes the importance of paternal role for family well-being and early child development. In this regards, it is well documented that the transition to parenthood is a critical period for fathers’ mental health, yet traditional screening methods often overlook their specific and unique needs Thus, it become essential to screen for paternal perinatal distress early to prevent adverse parenting and child outcomes However, challenges exist in recognizing male-specific signs and symptoms of perinatal psychological distress, as they may differ from traditional depressive symptoms.  To address this gap, a novel approach suggests redefining paternal perinatal depression as Paternal Perinatal Affective Disorder (PPAD) and introducing a gender-sensitive screening tool, the Perinatal Assessment of Paternal Affectivity (PAPA). This innovative perspective aims to help healthcare professionals better detect and support fathers experiencing perinatal distress, ultimately improving family well-being during the transition to parenthood. Additionally, this presentation explores paternal mental health within the context of other critical constructs, such as paternal involvement and sensitivity.

Wykład drugi

Attachment and danger: everybody deserves protection and comfort

Wykład odbędzie się w czwartek, 23 maja, w godzinach 10:00-11:30 w auli Wydziału. Wykład jest otwarty dla publiczności. Przewidujemy 15-30 minut na dyskusję. Wykład jest częścią cyklu seminariów klinicznych.


Attachment theory highlights the foundational role of early caregiver-child relationships in shaping later cognitive, psychological, emotional, and social development. Since its original postulations, a large body of evidence has documented the empirical validity of the crucial tenets of attachment theory.The Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM), expands upon attachment theory by emphasizing the dynamic interplay between self-protective strategies, information processing, and individual adaptation to specific contexts and dangerous or threatening circumstances. In this regard, assessing attachment across the lifespan is crucial for understanding relational patterns and informing interventions. As a developmental theory, assessments of attachment across the lifespan, such as the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP) for infants and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) in adulthood, offer valuable insights into attachment strategies and states of mind, providing useful clinical information for understanding individual emotional and relational functioning. Starting from the core principles of the theory, in this presentation, the significance of the quality of attachment during early childhood will be discussed, examining specific assessment procedures, the analysis of family functioning, and the role parenting sensitive responsiveness. Acknowledging the pivotal role of attachment across the lifespan, alongside other crucial constructs, emphasizes its significance in fostering positive relationships and enhancing psychological well-being.