11th Warsaw Seminar in Intergroup Relations on June 6th

20 03 2025
Kategoria: Aktualności Sekretariatu ds. studenckich, Aktualności Wydziału, Konferencje i spotkania naukowe
We invite you to the 11th Warsaw Seminar in Intergroup Relations, an annual meeting held by the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw. The main theme of this year’s Seminar is Empowering the marginalized: Minority strategies to counter intolerance, but we invite submissions on all topics related to intergroup relations. The event will be held on June 6th 2025 at the Educational Center of the Narutowicz Institute (Gen. W. Andersa 20, 00-201 Warsaw).
Discrimination and violence remain global problems, and minority groups undertake a variety of strategies to counter them. One of these is “reclaiming,” in which stigmatizing or derogatory terms are deliberately changed to strengthen solidarity among minority group members or challenge dominant and hurtful narratives. Reclaiming, however, is only one of many strategies for resisting intolerance. How do minority groups seek social change? What prompts them to undertake emancipatory strategies? And most importantly, how effective are these strategies? Social scientists taking part in the Seminar will provide answers to such and similar questions.
Please send your abstracts by April 20th 2025 via Google Forms.
Participation in the Seminar is free of charge. The event is organized by the Centre for Research on Prejudice, University of Warsaw. The Narutowicz Institute is a partner of the event.
Keynote speakers will be announced soon.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at dominik.puchala@psych.uw.edu.pl or aleksandra.swiderska@psych.uw.edu.pl. You can also find this event on Facebook.
We hope to see you in Warsaw!