Warsztat NET z prof. Norbertem Gurrisem

27 11 2024
Kategoria: Aktualności Wydziału
Zapisy przez e-mail: kontakt@ptbst.org.pl
Decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń, liczba miejsc jest ograniczona.
Opis i program:
The one and a half day workshop aims to provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical introduction in trauma therapy exposure work with mono- and complex traumatized individuals and groups/communities. The role of the reconstruction of trauma-related language and internal images against the background of psychobiological processes is emphasized. The interaction of language, images and finally the finding of meaning and processing traumatic experiences will be discussed and trained. Our target groups are for example survivors of:
– politically motivated persecution and violence and of racist attacks,
– war and soldiers in combat operations,
– multiple traumatized refugees,
– domestic violence and sexual trauma,
– child (sexualized) abuse and neglect.
Besides comprehensive theoretical and practical inputs, containing impressive case presentations, the workshop aims at improving skills in trauma counseling and therapy for psychotherapists, social workers and caregivers in general.
There will be sufficient opportunity for participants to work together in small groups and in plenary sessions. This promotes self-awareness, which forms the basis of your own therapy and counseling design and training.
Some case studies will be presented, but it is very welcome that participants also contribute their own cases from their practice. In psychodrama-oriented group and plenary exercises, NET and IET-related therapy strategies are to be found and practiced together, which encourages the participants to then implement them in
Start 13:30 -15:30
Coffee break
17:45- 18:45
Start 09:00-10:30
Coffee break
Lunch break
Coffee break
16:00 – 18:30 with a short break at 17:00, 18:30 (end)