Seminar by prof. Ricardo Nemirovsky / Seminarium prof. Ricardo Nemirovsky’ego
15 03 2024
Kategoria: Aktualności Wydziału, Konferencje i spotkania naukowe
Zapraszamy na seminarium prof. Ricardo Nemirovsky’ego z Manchester Metropolitan University On the Origins of Geometry: Craft and Language [O pochodzeniu geometrii: rzemiosło i język]. Seminarium jest organizowane przez Human Interactivity and Language Lab jako część projektu Traincrease. Odbędzie się 27 marca 2024 r. o godz. 15.00 na Wydziale Geologii UW (Żwirki i Wigury 93) w sali 3099. Ci, którzy nie mogą dołączyć stacjonarnie, będą mogli wziąć udział w spotkaniu przez platformę Zoom (link do spotkania). Spotkanie będzie prowadzone w całości po angielsku. Więcej informacji na stronie HILL lub na Facebookowym profilu Labu.
You are invited to a seminar On the Origins of Geometry: Craft and Language by Professor Ricardo Nemirovsky from Manchester Metropolitan University. The seminar is organized by the Human Interactivity and Language Lab as part of the Traincrease project. It will take place on March 27, 2024, at 3:00 PM at the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw (Żwirki i Wigury 93) in room 3099. For those unable to attend in person, participation via the Zoom platform is also available (link to the meeting). For more information, visit the HILL website or check the Lab’s Facebook profile.
In this seminar we will be discussing two papers, both of which take Husserl’s “Origin of Geometry” as a seminal text, and each delve in different “territories” which might have served as grounds for the emergence of geometry: craftwork and language. Both, craftwork and language mesh with innumerable prehistoric practices, as ancient as geometry itself was. These exploratory and speculative ideas inspire and provoke critical questions about prevalent images of geometry and mathematics in contemporary societies.