Działalność naukowa

Publikacje (JCR)

Sobol, M., Błachnio, A., Meisner, M., Wdowiak, a., Wdowiak, N., Gorbaniuk, O., & Jankowski, S. K. (2024). Circadian rhythm and sleep disruptions in relation to prenatal stress and depression symptoms. Chronobiology International. doi,org/10.1080/07420528.2024.2303985

Sobol, M., Błachnio, A., Meisner, M., Szyszkowska, J., & Jankowski, K. S. (2023). Sleep, circadian activity patterns and postpartum depression: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of actigraphy studies. Journal of Sleep Research. Dec 14. doi: 10.1111/jsr.14116

Sobol, M., Błachnio, A., Meisner, M., Wdowiak, A., & Sobol, M. K. (2023). The relationship of couples’ time perspective to pregnant womens depression symptoms and stress: Preliminary results. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 174, 111495. 

Sobol, M., Blachnio, A., & Pasternak, K. (2023). Time in a virtual world. Facebook intrusion, time perspective, and contents of Facebook narratives. SAGE Open

Misiak, M., Sobol, M., Sakowski, L., Kowal, M., Jurczyk, A., & Wojtycka, L. (2023). Five ways to waste food: Food Wasting Behaviours Questionnaire. British Food Journal

Mazur‐Socha, Z., Przepiórka, A., & Sobol, M. (2023). How do we cope when we believe we can? A systematic review and meta‐analysis of studies on coping and negative mood regulation expectancies. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Adamczak, A., Płotek, W., Głowińska, A., Sobol, M., Wysocka, E., Polak, G., ... & Banaszewska, B. (2023). Time perspective as a mediator of depressive symptoms in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Healthcare11(7), 993.

Błachnio, A., Przepiórka, A., Gorbaniuk, O., Kot, P., Chmielik, M., & Sobol, M. (2023). Look at me, I am here! A diary study on parental phubbing and children’s delay of gratification. Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, 21, 104-110

Sobol, M., Sorokowski, P., Misiak, M., Oleszkiewicz, A., & Butovskaya, M. (2022). Only 'here and now’? Time perspective and helping in Hadza of Tanzania hunter-gatherers. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.

Sobol, M., & Sobol, M. K. (2022). Parents’ time perspective as a predictor of child’s postsurgical pain, emergence delirium, and parents’ posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms after child’s surgery. Children, 11, 9(4),539, 1-11. doi: 10.3390/children9040539

Zajenkowski, M., Górniak, J., Wojnarowski, K., Sobol, M., & Jonason, P. (2022). I need some answers, now!: Present time perspective is associated with holding conspiracy beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences.

Sabiniewicz, A., Stefanczyk, M., Palmiero, M., & Sobol, M. (2022). Episodic odour recognition memory is reflected in narratives about the earliest memories. American Journal of Psychology.

Meisner, M., & Sobol, M. (2022). Value of the relationship and motivation to forgive based on future anxiety. American Journal of Psychology, 135, 3, 337-346.

Sobol, M., Senejko, A., Błachnio, A., & Chwaszcz, J. (2022). Dental anxiety as a risk factor for Facebook intrusion. Dental Health Community, 38, 1-4. doi:10.1922/CDH_00034Sobol04

Sobol, M., Zajenkowski, M, & Jankowski, K. S. (2022). Religious fundamentalism, delusions, and conspiracy beliefs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 9597.

Sobol, M., Sobol, M. K., & Kowal, M. (2021). Adult behavior toward the child before surgery and pediatric emergence delirium. Pediatric Anesthesia, 32(1), 43-48.

Sobol, M., Woźny, M., & Czubak-Paluch, K. (2021). Emotion regulation and social support as related to depressive symptoms: A study of healthy and hospitalized adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences.

Sobol, M., Przepiórka, A., Meisner, M., & Kuppens, P. (2021). Destiny or control of one’s future? Fatalistic time perspective and self-esteem in extraverts and introverts. Journal of General Psychology.

Sobol, M., Błachnio, A., & Przepiórka, A. (2020). Time of pandemic: Temporal perspectives related to compliance with public health regulations concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113408.

Marczak, M., Sorokowski, P., & Sobol, M. (2020). Balanced time perspective as a facilitator of immigrants’ psychological adaptation: A study among Ukrainian immigrants in Poland. Transcultural Psychiatry10.1177/1363461520949673

Przepiórka, A., Jankowski, T., & Sobol, M. (2020).Is future time perspective multidimensional? The Future Time Perspective Scale in a Polish sample. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Sobol-Kwapińska, M., Sobol, M., & Woźnica-Niesobska, E. (2020). Parental behavior and child distress and pain during pediatric medical procedures: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology, 39(7), 558–572.

Przepiorka, A., & Sobol-Kwapinska, M. (2020). People with positive time perspective are more grateful and happier. Gratitude mediates the relationship between time perspective and life satisfaction. Journal of Happiness Studies.

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Meisner, M., & Przepiorka, A. (2019). Confronting betrayal experience and time perspective: Linguistic analyses of narrations about Thematic Apperception card. Journal of Constructivist Psychology.

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Plotek, W., Mandecki, M., Cybulski, M., Bąbel, P., Kluzik, A., Krystianc, J. (2019). Time perspective as a moderator of a relationship between preoperative pain and acute postoperative. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 24(7), 812-817. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2019.1574359

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Jankowski, T., Przepiorka, A., Oinyshi, I. E., Sorokowski, P., & Zimbardo, P. (2018). What is the structure of time? A study on time perspective in the USA, Poland, and Nigeria. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-10. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02078

Sobol-Kwapinska, M. Oles, P., & Stoklosa, J. (2018). Voices inside me: The relationship between neuroticism and the tendency to engage in internal dialogue in the context of time perspective. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 1-8. doi: 10.1080/10720537.2018.1524318

Przepiorka, A., & Sobol-Kwapinska, M. (2018). Religiosity moderates the relationship between time perspective and life satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 261-267.

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Plotek, W., Babel, P., Cybulski, M., Kluzik, A., Krystianc, J., & Mandecki, M. (2017). Time perspective as a predictor of acute postsurgical pain and coping with pain following abdominal surgery. European Journal of Pain, 21(4), 635-644.  doi: 10.1002/ejp.967. Epub 2016 Oct 13

Zaleski, Z., Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Przepiorka, & Meisner, M. (2017). Development and validation of the Dark Future scale. Time & Society, 28(1), 107-123.

Sobol-Kwapińska, M., Przepiórka, A., & Zimbardo, P. G. (2016). The structure of time perspective: Age-related differences in Poland. Time & Society, 28(1), 5-32. doi: 10.1177/0961463X16656851

Sobol-Kwapinska, M. (2016). Calm down – it’s only neuroticism. Time perspectives as moderators and mediators of the relationship between neuroticism and well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 64-71.doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.01.004

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., & Jankowski, T. (2016). Positive time. Balanced Time Perspective and Positive Orientation. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(4), 1511-1528. doi: 10.1007/s10902-015-9656-2

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Jankowski, T., & Przepiorka, A. (2016). What do we gain by adding time perspective to mindfulness? Carpe Diem and mindfulness in a temporal framework. Personality and Individual Differences, 93, 112-117. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.07.046

Przepiorka, A., Sobol-Kwapinska, M., & Jankowski, T. (2016). A polish short version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 78-89. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.05.047

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Babel, P., Plotek, W., & Stelcer, B. (2016). Psychological correlates of acute postsurgical pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Pain, 26(10), 1573-1586. doi:10.1002/ejp.886

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., Przepiorka, A., & Nosal, C. S. (2016). While we wait for life, life passes. The Time Metaphors Questionnaire-Short Form. Journal of General Psychology, 143(3), 215-236. doi: 10.1080/00221309.2016.1200532

Sobol-Kwapinska, M. (2016). Positive orientation: Exploring the factors that constitute the bright side of personality. Social Behavior and Personality, 44(10), 1613-1618.

Sobol-Kwapinska, M. (2013). Hedonism, fatalism and 'carpe diem’: Profiles of attitudes towards the present time. Time & Society, 22(3), 371-390. doi:10.1177/0961463X13487043

Oles, P., & Sobol-Kwapinska, M. (2013). Towards a dynamic approach to the individual differences – „Though this be madness, yet there is a method in it”. Psychology Research, 3(7), 365-369.

Sobol-Kwapinska, M. (2009). Forms of present time orientation and satisfaction with life in the context of attitudes toward past and future. Social Behavior and Personality, 37(4), 433-440. doi: 10.2224/sbp.2009.37.4.433

Sobol-Kwapinska, M., & Oles, P. K. (2007). On measuring time metaphors. Psychological Reports, 100, 244-246.


Sobol-Kwapińska, M. (2011). KMC – Kwestionariusz „Metafory Czasu”. Podręcznik.  Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego.

Sobol-Kwapińska, M. (2007). Żyć chwilą? Koncentracja na teraźniejszości a poczucie szczęścia. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL

Publikacje popularnonaukowe

Sobol, M, & Sobol-Kwapińska, M. (2019). Rodzice wobec bólu dziecka. Charaktery Extra, 4, 16-21.

Sobol, M. (2002). Czas uchwycony tu i teraz. Charaktery, 5, 44-45.

Sobol, M. (2001). „Chwilo trwaj…”. Gestalt, 6, 27-29

Granty Narodowego Centrum Nauki

Opus 18 „Perspektywa temporalna i zaburzenia rytmów dobowych jako predyktory stresu oraz symptomów depresji po porodzie. Badania podłużne”, KIEROWNIK

Opus 12 „Perspektywa temporalna rodziców a doświadczanie przez dzieci bólu pooperacyjnego i zachowanie dzieci po operacji”, KIEROWNIK

Harmonia 6 „Formy prezentystycznej orientacji temporalnej”, KIEROWNIK

Opus 5 „Perspektywa temporalna a odczuwanie bólu pooperacyjnego i strategie radzenia sobie z nim”, KIEROWNIK

Granty Ministerstwa Zdrowia

„Lęk dentystyczny jako czynnik ryzyka problematycznego korzystania z Facebooka i stosowania substancji psychoaktywnych”, KIEROWNIK

Ważniejsze nagrody

Nagroda Rektora UW za publikacje naukowe, 2021

Medal Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, 2017

Nagroda Rektora KUL za rozprawę doktorską, 2008